Boy, am I glad that we did! SO many people came out today! The line for Michelle Hodkin didn't really start getting super long until closer to 3, but the line that was to see James Dashner a few stores up already had 50-75 people in it. By the time it was time to meet the authors, the line for James Dashner went down the sidewalk maybe a block. It was insane!
We were the 4th or 5th people to get in to see Michelle, and OMG she is so sweet. She really made an effort to have a unique conversation with every person and made them feel welcome. I got all three of my Mara Dyer books signed and Richard got Angela's Mara Dyer books signed! YESSSS!
After that, we decided to hoof it down King St. to where Kiera Cass was signing because we wanted to get her marked off our list so we wouldn't have to rush as much tomorrow. Her line was SO long, but the awesome volunteers for YALLFest made everything run so smoothly and the lines moved very quickly for the amount of people that were in them. Kiera Cass was an absolute doll and the cutest thing ever. She had this super sweet top bun with a giant pink flower on her head. SO CUTE. I loved her. I even got to meet one of our followers of this blog while waiting in Kiera's line (so nice to meet you, Tanya!!)! I got all three of my books for her signed, and Richard got two of Angela's books signed as well.
After that, we decided to call it a day since the other authors that were signing weren't super high on our MUST SEE list. Tomorrow, we are getting up at the butt crack of dawn to be downtown in line by 7AM.
We have tickets to see James Dashern's opening keynote panel which is sold out and going to be completely amazeballs. I can't wait. Other than that, our #1 must see author or we will die of a broken heart is Jennifer Armentrout. Again, if you have read anything on this blog you know we worship at the altar of JLA so WE HAVE TO MEET HER! We also are planning to see Marie Lu, Alex London, Sarah Maas, and Veronica Roth if at all possible (you already know her line is going to be crazytown).
Wow that's so amazing! I'm glad you had a great day :)
It was so great to meet you, too! Wasn't Kiera Cass adorable? And she was the one author I met that I didn't get a photo of. Ack! So bummed about that. But it was great to meet her... she talked about being home for only 2 days at a time and missing her husband. :(
ReplyDeleteI saw your husband so many times... each time he was holding your places in line. LOL What a trooper! :)
Meeting JLA was the absolute highlight for me. Love her so much! Had a little chat with her that made my day and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. LOL
P.S. Love your Team Alien tote!!!