As usual all you have to do is click the titles and it'll take you straight to the reviews.
Ten Tiny Breaths- K. A. Tucker
Let the Sky Fall- Shannon Messenger

Maybe Not- Colleen Hoover
Point of Retreat- Colleen Hoover
Friend-Zoned- Belle Aurora
Hexed- Michelle Krys
The 5th Wave- Rick Yancey (Re-Read)
The Infinite Sea- Rick Yancey (Re-Read)
Shatter Me- Tahereh Mafi (Re-Read)
Unravel Me- Tahereh Mafi (Re-Read)
Ignite Me- Tahereh Mafi (Re-Read)
I'll Give You the Sun- Jandy Nelson
Bad Romeo- Leisa Rayven
Snare- Clarissa Wild
The Red Queen- Victoria Aveyard
Invaded- Melissa Landers
Me Before You- Jojo Moyes
Hardline- Michelle Wilds
Hardpressed- Michelle Wilds
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe- Benjamin Sáenz
Insurgent- Veronica Roth (Re-Read)
Royal Saga- Geneva Lee
Of course as far as my favorites this month went, you should be able to tell that anything someone re-reads means that they probably love(d) it. I was so happy that I got to squeeze in both The Shatter Me series and The 5th Wave series. I loved them the first time around but re-reading them made me fall in love all over again (maybe even harder)... I'm basically begging for next year to get here so we can go see The 5th Wave movie already! I actually got to re-read The 5th Wave and The Infinite Sea with my husband and after he finished both of them he said he officially understands "fan-girling" because he loved them both so much. Oh, and with that being said did y'all see that we might finally have a name for book three!?!?! Rumor is it's going to be The Last Star, goosebumps right! (edit it was 100% confirmed this is going to be the name! Now please give us the cover already!) I also got to re -read Insurgent. I really want to right a full review for this book, but I'm going to wait until next month when Leah and I go and see the movie. I had a lot odd questions after seeing so many trailers for the upcoming film. I just knew I had to re-visit it... and I'm so glad I did. I didn't realize how much I had forgotten, and I don't think I'll be mad about what they are clearly already changing. (Well see for sure in March)
As far as my other favorites went that weren't re-reads, hands-down they had to be, Maybe Not, Point of Retreat, Me Before You, and The Red Queen. Of course my favorite list has to include at least one Hoover book, and Point of Retreat definitely didn't let me down. Then there's Me Before You which was the perfect love story, and The Red Queen which was a new release in February. One made me cry my eyes out while the other had me on the edge of my seat. Which one of the four would I pick as my Feb Fave..?? Easy, Maybe Not. Even as a novella it easily took the top spot! Having everything I loved in a book thrown into less that 150 pages. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard while reading a book before. Maybe Someday is one of my all time favorite books, but I still enjoyed Maybe Not just as much, if not more.
When it came to let downs February was full of them... Ten Tiny Breaths, Bad Romeo, Snare, and Invaded all made my list. Ten Tiny Breaths and Bad Romeo both had these amazing covers with story that didn't stand up. They both had the potential to be great but missed the mark and fell flat. Invaded wasn't a terrible book but as a follow up to Alienated it didn't come close to the same amazing-ness the first book had. Nothing happened till almost the very end, but at that point I was just to bored to really enjoy what was happening. My biggest let down however was Snare. IT MIGHT JUST BE THE WORST BOOK I'VE EVER READ!!! No, I think it is the worst book I've ever read. It was disgusting, weird, had one WTF thing after another, made no sense, and was just over-all terrible. I have no earthly clue how anyone could give this a five star rating, but tons of people have (to each their own... I guess). I'll more than likely post a ranting review on this book next month... Even though I'm trying to scrub it from my memory. Ugh, seriously though Snare was so... I don't know it really makes my skin hurt even thinking about it... Anyways.
There you have it my best and worst reads for this month. See y'all in March.