The book itself takes place over the course of 24 hours. Since the book is on a timeline, I found myself really stressing out when things would happen and hours would tick by. It gave a really unique angle for the story and it made me feel like I was right there with Hadley dealing with the longest, best/worst day of her life. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It's sweet and cute and a very easy read. If you have ever watched any Rom-Com ever then you can predict where everything is going to go, but it was enjoyable regardless. I have been really digging contemporary YA romance lately, so this fell perfectly into that category. Not life changing, but definitely a great fluffy read. If you're looking for a good beach or pool read, this will keep you occupied for an afternoon and you will get out of it exactly what you think you will.
What really pushed me to finally read this book was when I found out that Hailee Steinfeld and Robert Sheehan have been cast as Hadley and Oliver. Going into the book with those two in my head was PERFECT. The casting is spot on, and I am absolutely ecstatic to see how this goes from page to screen next year. The things that Oliver says made me absolutely swoon, and when you put Robert Sheehan's face with those beautiful words..... All I can say is: Panty dropper. Hailee Steinfeld is going to be so funny and quirky as Hadley. I think she will really bring the character to life and be able to show all of the moments that can only be described as being a seventeen year old girl. So even if contemporary YA isn't your thing, I would still encourage you to read this if only to see how it is in the book before it becomes a movie (it's always way more fun than way!).
“He’s like a song she can’t get out of her head. Hard as she tries, the melody of their meeting runs through her mind on an endless loop, each time as surprisingly sweet as the last, like a lullaby, like a hymn, and she doesn’t think she could ever get tired of hearing it.”
4/5 stars
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