Clockwork Princess- Cassandra Clare
The Vincent Boys- Abbi Glines
Lev- Belle Aurora
Y the Last Man book 2- Brian K Vaughn
Steelheart- Brandon Sanderson
Room- Emma Donoghue
Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare
The Girl of Fire and Thorns- Rae Carson
Six of Crows- Leigh Bardugo
Addicted to You- Kristia Ritchie
Everything Leads to You- Nina LaCour
This Girl- Colleen Hoover
October is super special because I reached my Goodreads reading goal... Yes, I reached book 185! I can't believe it either! So freaking pumped about it. Don't know how I'll be able to top that in 2016... Might have to sell my soul or something. With reaching my goal I kind of took it easy this month. Honestly I'll probably be a little more sluggish about reading till the end of the year. I have a lot of events and movies coming up so those will probably eat away at a good bit of my free time. That's actually a reason this is being posted early. Leah and I are headed to Atlanta for WalkerStalker Con. This is the first time we've ever been and were both excited and a bit nervous since we don't really now what to expect. Of course well be posting about it once we get home so keep an eye out for that post. Enough of that though, lets get on to my tops and flops.
My top picks for October are: Clockwork Princess, This Girl, Lev, and Six of Crows. First Clockwork Princess was just as amazing as the hyped lead it to be. I'm so glad that I waited until this series was completely finished and for some of the buzz to die down before I got into it. Cassandra Clare nails love triangles. This book had me a mess. I did however still preferred The Mortal Instruments series to this one, but to each their own. On to This Girl, the third and final book in the Slammed series. It was so nice to get back into this story and hear everything from Will's point of view. I fell in love all over again. This was another book I was glad I waited on reading. Next is Lev. Thanked my luck stars when Belle sent me an ARC of the first book in her new series. She gives us a leading male like none I've ever read before. Such a good time read and I can't wait to get my hands on a finished copy. Lastly, Six of Crows. This would hands-down be my number one pick for the whole month. I liked her Shadow and Bone trilogy (emphasis on like) but this book... What a way to start a series. It blew my freaking mind!!!! I feared with so much hype and with so many main characters things wouldn't live up. It does. It has some of the best characters and world building I've read in the longest time.
As for my flops for October we have: Girl of Fire and Thorns, Addicted to You, and Everything Leads to You. I feel very mislead when it came to Girl of Fire and Thorns. I heard all this buzz about how great and action packed it was, but 150 pages in I had to DNF it. Our leading lady spent most of the book bashing her physical appearance. It got old fast! I tried so hard to push through it, but just couldn't. After DNFing it I so many people comment on my status/review saying that the end of the second book is where it picks up, and then right after someone would say that I was right to put it down. So I have no idea when Ill get back to this one. Might not revisit it until next year. Addicted to You had the same problem. It was so hyped up in the world of romance reviews. People saying that this is their favorite NA/romance series, and I just could not get into it. I got 75% into the book before putting it down... That really says a lot because if I reached that point in most books I would just keep going. I will say this is a book I will for sure be revisiting in the near future because a part of me fears it might have just been "wrong time" read. Lastly, Everything Leads to You. This was a cover buy for me. I don't usually do contemporary but this book looked and sounded so sweet that I just had to give it ago. Also wanted to try it out because the lead girl in it is gay. This book was so boring! Nothing happens. There's no dramatic events, no plot twist, just one sluggish thing after another. I don't think I've ever DNFd so many books before. Sigh.
Till next month.
Till next month.
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