No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with the perfect boyfriend to the most gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants normal. But when Noah Hutchins, steamy, hot, girl-using loner comes into her life with his tough attitude, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.
I was actually really surprised by how much I liked Pushing the Limits... I think I have a thing for really cheese-ball covers. Actually I know I do. I'm pretty sure I was recommended this book by either Leah or a goodreads friend either way I kept pushing it off and I'm glad I finally picked it up.
Noah became a foster child after his parent died in a fire. He has been separated from his two younger brothers and bounced around from home to home. On top of all that he does what any good rebel would do and put on a bad boy facade. Echo is an emotional wreck. After a tragic accident she has repressed some memories and is slowly working to recover them. It doesn't help that her father is overbearing but yet barely there. Both Noah and Echo were written so well. At first I found myself liking and leaning more towards Echo but by the end I favored Noah. His character ended up giving me so much more than I thought I was going to receive. McGarry builds up intriguing characters and gives them interesting and strong back stories along with a new set of issues to handle that I haven't really read before. She ensures that both of them are realistic, with having their own separate lives, friends, and interest.

"Sup man," said Rico Vega, joining me in the back of Spanish class. "Sup" I answered. "How can they let you take Spanish when that's what you speak half the damn time?" "Why they let a bunch of gueros take English? You gringos gotta be stupid of you ain't got it down in eighteen years."
What I liked about Echo was that she was actually interested in non girly things... cars, pool, etc. What was a little more ehh for me was when Echo's truths started to show the plot did get a little spotty. Therefore the reason it didn't get a higher rating. I felt the relationship between the two, though in my opinion, not the most realistic was still really strong. Still Noah is what made this book for me. I really loved his character development and over all attitude. This story was heartbreaking, funny, and romantic without being too heavy on any one thing. The build up of this story is in itself a reason to read it. Along with the underlying little details. Her choice of names for each character was so perfect.
It's very rare for me to like a contemporary book, but this one was pretty spot on. Pushing the Limits is
something I thought would be predictable and was shockingly not.
9/10 Stars
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