The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel
Altered by Jennifer Rush
The Duff by Kody Keplinger
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
Fire In The Woods by Jennifer Eaton
Fallen by Lauren Kate
The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider
Wicked by Jennifer Armentrout
The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
Rush by Maya Banks
Raw by Belle Aurora
Slated by Teri Terry
December has been a really good book month for me! It's nice that I was able to find good reads this month since I had been coming down from a hardcore slump. The only bad thing about this month (and by bad, I only mean in the reading sense) is the holidays! I have been jam packed since Thanksgiving and haven't had a ton of time to devote to reading. As much as I have enjoyed hanging out with friends and family, I am looking forward to after the first of the year when my social obligations go away and I can go back to being a hermit.
One cool thing I signed up for this month is the Fandom of the Month club that I found on Instagram. You play $13 a month and you get sent fandom inspired jewelry each month. For December, the theme was Narnia so I received a bracelet, earrings, a ring, and a really cool bag to put it all in. (This isn't a sponsored post, btw, just wanting to share something cool I found!)
Speaking of the new year, I can't wait for y'all to see what we have planned! We have some really cool posts leading up to 2015, and we have a TON of things planned for 2015. All I am going to say is that 2015 is going to be the year of the fandom for sure.

My favorite book this month was hands down, no contest Wicked by Jennifer Armentrout. This book is my absolute favorite JLA book so far which should say a TON. I love all of the characters, but my favorites are Ren an Tink. Ren is at the top of my book boyfriend list now. HOT HOT HOT. Tink, well, you just need to read the book to learn about Tink. I just love him!
Leah - I am so, so excited for Wicked! I pre-ordered it but still haven't read it. Just so I can prolong the excitement. lol But I'm about to cave. It''s time. And you saying that it's your favorite JLA so far? Wow! I predict this one will be read by month's end.