Confess follows the intertwining stories of Auburn and Owen. Both characters come from very separate yet equal backgrounds. Both facing more in the 20-something-years they've been alive than most will their entire lives. When Confess starts out right into Auburn's story you're more than likely, within the first few chapters, going to be thinking the same thing I was, "Ha I got this whole thing figured out". Please don't think that. If you've ever read a Hoover book then you know you'd be a fool to think that (yes I just called myself a fool, because God was I).

"I'm scared I'll never feel this again with anyone else," I whisper
He squeezes my hands. I'm scared you will."
I can't (sadly) say much more about them, because I know once I got started talking about them I wouldn't be able to stop!Then I would spill out all the wonderful things that make this book up! That being said I will tell you the spoil free things I loved about this book. There are four things that stole my heart and won me over. First, of course, the Art. When you think about pictures being included into a book you automatically think it'll be cheesy. It's not, it's a wonderful addition and takes this book to a level others wont reach. Second, the real readers confession that are sprinkled throughout this book and also fit so well with the art theme. Third, is the romance. It's Georgia peach sweet. And Four, well you'll have to wait a minute for that one... Promise I'll get to it in a second.
When it came to plot, I had a lot of fears. I feared that with so much hype to this book that it would let me down. Then once the first chapter brought me to tears all I could think of was "This book can only go down from here"... All that was laid to rest. The plot starts strong, stays steady, and just when you're winding up on the end of the book and you're thinking "ok that was great and all but what am I missing?"; Colleen hits you right in the face with one of her famous big reveals.... That brings you to my number four love. The ending. I never ever thought the story would end the way it did. Didn't think the story would come together and collide how she had it. The closer it got to the end the more I had to know what the ending was going to be. What the big secret was. I couldn't have been more happy with the ending! With everything perfect laid out, and the expression "somethings are better left unsaid" taking a whole new meaning, Confess will leave you wanting more. It was perfect, amazing, and I don't think I took a single breath the whole last chapter. I constantly wonder if Colleen woke up one random morning and said "you know what I'm going to be a writer" or if she has always planned on becoming one... And I don't care, I thank the literary Gods every time she puts out a piece of work. Not only does she give us something of her own, but the way she constantly finds ways to shed light on others art as well... It's just astounding.
1.. 2.. 3... 10/10 OMG STARS
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