Thursday, March 19, 2015

Revisiting a book The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Sigh, so I have been feeling the book blues. I felt like all this month I have been in a reading funk. I don't know what's up but hopefully I can shake it off soon and get back into the swing of things.... Anyways, people always say that when you're in a reading rut that you should take a step back and pick up a book you've read before and loved. So this month I decided that my re-visiting of a book would be the book that I still too this date say is my favorite series ever. I read this series some time ago and recently I've been wondering if I re-read this book if I would still think it was my all time favorite (completed) series.

Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. Katy and him do not get along. But when a stranger attacks her and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand something unexpected happens.

Thinking about it and being in my slump had me picking up this series again. This week I took the time to re-read all 5 books. I also decided to do something a little different with the review as well...I decide to review this series as a whole. This is something I wouldn't do but in this case I felt it was necessary. I wont be giving out any spoilers I'll just be touching down on some bases about how I feel about this series as a whole. As I said above The Lux Series is a completed series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, with the fifth and final book coming out last year. The series is made up of Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, Origin, and Opposition. 


Everyone and their mom knows I'm more than a little obsessed with aliens so when it comes to books about them I am very very picky. So when I was first shown this book I wasn't really looking forward to reading them. With their cheesy old school romance covers... I just couldn't! BUT I finally decided to say "Screw it" and pick them up. Thank god I did that and this time. The Lux Series is still my all time favorite (completed) series. Even though the first book is like alien twilight I didn't even care. I prefer aliens to vampires anyways. I think this is one of the first series that gets better with each books. Each one I read outshines the last. I normally find myself saying how much I like the first book more than the third or the second one didn't match up well with the last, etc. etc. This wasn't an issue with this series, I repeat, each book is better than the last! (Opal and Origin are tied for my personal favorite because THOSE ENDING!!!!!! OMG!!!!! NO SERIOUSLY, CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE ENDING OF ORIGIN?!>!!?!$%^#%^$% LIKE WHAT!)

Not only is this one of my favorite series, it holds one of my all time favorite book couples... Katy Schwartz and Daemon Black. And lets just get down to brass tax... Daemon Black steals the show in every book. GOOD GOD DO I LOVE THAT SEXY ALIEN! His cocky over the top attitude never let me down. I love his love for life, family, and his lady. I liked that he was seriously the biggest dick on this and any other planet. Katy is a girl who refuses to be in the background. Her constant need to take Daemon down a few pegs, made me constantly want to high five her. But I like everyone else who has read this series, am in love with the romance. I love it! Sigh, it was just perfect.

 “So I was thinking, they're eighty-six thousand, four hundred seconds in a day, right? They're one thousand, four hundred and forty minutes in a day...They're one hundred and sixty-eight hours in a week. Around eighty-seven hundred and then some hours in a year, and you know what?...I want to spend every second, every minute, every hour with you...I want a year's worth of seconds and minutes with you. I want a decade's worth of hours, so many that I can't add them up.”

This story also holds so many amazing second characters. As far as those went Luc and Archer are my favorites. (Leah, I know you're reading this and shaking your head and making fun of me BUT YOU KNOW I LOVE SUB CHARACTERS! AND HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE LUC!!! That little lunchable eating son of a gun).

Normally when a series is this action packed it would come off as trying to hard, NOPE Jennifer Armentrout made it seem effortless... These books are seriously the definition of "a page turner". Each book left you wanting more. Even the last one had me wishing there was just one more! She gets sarcasm and romance on a level that a lot of ya authors just don't get... like holy hot alien scenes!!! (I heard a little rumor that Jla is writing a new book that will extent on the Lux Series!!! Someone please tell me if this is true?!!! Because I just might die.)

These books had me laughing, crying, screaming, and wanting to flip over tables with excitement. The characters are amazing, well built, hilarious, and just over all lovely! Re-reading this series wasn't a mistake. I'm 100% sure that Jennifer Armentrout wrote this series for me, I mean aliens, romance, and witty comebacks will forever be the key to my heart and Jennifer Armentrout owns that key. The only sad part about re-reading it was having to realize all over again that it's over. That there is no more Daemon Black in store. No more sweet alien invasions. No more amazing plot twist. For that I am not thankful, but for having read these I am. Jennifer L. Armentout still remains one of the few authors I will drop everything I'm doing/reading to pick up anything she writes.

10/10 Stars on all five books 

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