The Force of Gravity- Kelly Stevenson
Runes- Ednah Waters
Zenith- Sasha Alsberg and Lindsey Cummings
Saga Volume 6- Brian K. Vaughn
My Kind of Crazy (ARC)- Robin Reul
Pretty Little Liars 1- Sara Shepard
Flawless- Sara Shepard
When Joss Met Matt (ARC)- Ellie Cahill
Milk and Honey- Rupi Kaur
A Feast of Crows (audio book)- George RR Martin
A Dance with Dragons (audio book- George RR Martin
Every Day (re-read)- David Levithan
How odd is it typing August instead of July!?!? It's insane! The year is almost over, and I feel like it just started. I wish I had more reviews posted for the books I read this month on my actual blog and not just goodreads. I swear they're coming soon! I'm still just adjusting to reading, working a new job, blogging, and trying to figure out how to fit everything in. Recently I thought it would be a good idea to go from posting twice a week (Tuesdays and Saturdays) to posting once a week... I think this might have been a bad call on my part. So, good news is I will be going back to doing two post a week starting August first. There have also been some other very present changes. Clearly the change in my blogs name! If you also haven't noticed the blog went from two writers to just one. Starting this month I'm officially reviewing solo! This is a huge change for me since I've never done blogging alone. I'm excited to see where this new venture takes me. With that big change came the idea to "reinvent" the good ole blog and when one reinvents they must rename. So I guess this is me officially announcing the new name of my blog! Between the Sheets and Covers (clearly right! lol). Hope you think it's as witty as I do!
With all that out of the way; lets get onto what I read in July. I feel like I did a lot better in the month of July than I did in June. When it came to reading this month I matched up books with TV shows. I did both Pines and PLL and watched the shows that matched them. I only watched season one of Wayward Pines before calling it quits, but as of last night I finished season 6 of PLL. It's so oddly addicting! I didn't even want to watch it, but I couldn't seem to stop! Along with watching a ton of netflix I managed to squeeze in two GIANT books thanks to be stuck in massive traffic jams on the way home from work. Every day while driving home I listened to the books in the Game of Thrones series hoping that I can catch up to the TV show. So far it's looking real good.
Favorites: The Force of Gravity and A Dance with Dragons. Wish this list was longer, but what can ya do. The Force of Gravity was just oh so entertaining! I had so much fun reading this forbidden student teacher romance, feeding off the build-up, and fan casting it in my head the whole time. It was fun, it was lightly smutty, and it was such a perfect summer read. Lastly A Dance with Dragons... God, I just love this series so much! I think this book might just be my favorite so far. If you're wondering if the show follows it well, it really does. Everything about this series has me just dying when I get to the end of a one. George RR Martin always finds a way to leave me wanting more.
Fails: I hate when my fails list is longer than my favorite. Sigh. Runes, Zenith, and My Kind of Crazy. Runes is a book I have seen popping up everywhere, and it's a series I know is big in the UK. However, I have no clue what the hype is surrounding this book! It was so cheesy! and not the good kind of cheese either! Rolled my eyes none stop while reading this. Zenith is another book with a lot of buzz right now, but again one that I'm confused as to why?! It was just 40 pages of unanswered questions, and talk of a strong badass female lead, but the entire book had no pay off. Even though I didn't give My Kind of Crazy one star, for some reason I just felt that I had to put on this list. The snyopsis of this book is gold, but the story itself was bronze. It sounded so funny and comical with a bit of interesting love. However with a great start but a lack luster ending I find myself adding it to the fails list.
What's to come in August:
Planning on kicking my butt in gear and getting out this reading funk. I decided to do the August of pages challenge on Instagram. There's a different topic each day and you post a picture related to it. I'm also starting my buddy read with Sandra! I'm so excited to be doing this with her. With her living in Norway and me in the United States it's really given this buddy read a little something extra.
my tbr for August: What Light by Jay Asher, Twenty Boy Summer by, Sarah Ockler, Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse, Vicious by VE Schwab, and Illumiane by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. I'm also going to try and mix in at least three graphic novels. Jay Asher is going to fall under my one male author per month challenge too.
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