Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Fall Up by Aly Martinez

As a celebrity she is constantly being watched. A life she once loved has become so chaotic she has lost her way. That is until a tattooed stranger strikes up a simple conversation with her. 

"I could live with that-as long as she lived too."

Not gonna lie, The Fall Up was 100% a good ole fashion cover buy... I mean seriously look at it! It's flawless! As soon as I saw this I knew I had to have it. But, I couldn't find it. After Aly told me where and when I could buy it (apparently I was a few days early on the release date) I ordered it. Really glad I did. TFU  doesn't just have a beautiful cover it has a beautiful message.

TFU starts off with two strangers standing on the Golden Gate Bridge. After seeing each other several nights in a row, one of them finally decides to speak to the other... He basically tells her she shouldn't jump and she say whatever his reason for thinking the same probably isn't enough to do it either. He assumes she's up on that bridge because of an abusive relationship and she isn't quit sure why he is there. After both spend time talking and keeping one another from making a terrible decision they continue to visit the bridge night after night.

After that the two can't stay stop thinking of one another. Levee is always showing up in a wig and sunglasses so she can hide her true identity. After a few run ins Sam reveals his name and Levee reveals who she is as well. The chemistry between these two is my favorite part of this story. Absolutely love these two as a couple. Their banter and the fact that they are complete opposites had me sold on their love story. Both are such strong-willed characters while both managing to show us true vulnerability. Levee was a character I thought would for sure go in one direction and then surprised me by going a different. As much as I loved her character I loved Sam's 20 times more. What a likable and swoon-worthy character. I have absolutely no complaints about him. He had this light air about him while still managing to be comical and intelligent. Levee is a leading lady you'll love and Sam is a male who will for sure make it onto your fictional book boyfriend list. Seriously just love him! He'll make you wiggle your eyebrows and weak in the knees.

From the moment I started reading this book I was hooked. The plot and story-line had the perfect balance of hilarious banter, sweet romance, deep emotion, and a unique story concept. I was crazy about this novel's pacing, it was just perfect.  This was a book that constantly had something going on but never managed to feel forced. TFU  starts strong and continues that way through out. Again, the best part of this story (besides the chemistry) is it's underlying message. Clearly this book revolves around suicide, and that can often be presented or come off as "tacky". This wasn't a problem in this book. After I finished reading and the actual weight of everything settled in I was completely content that the romance and love-story never overshadowed what this book was trying to get across. Anything that anyone could considered "flawed" about this story would easily be wiped away by this.

The Fall Up was a beautiful novel that surprised me.

10/10 Stars 

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