Recently I asked my friends on Goodreads to send me questions they would like me to answer. So, here's a new and updated Question and Answer post. Some of the questions I got were the same as last time but oddly some of the answers might have changed. I love doing these and plan to do more as time goes on.
If your whole life were written in a book, would you want to read the ending? (aka get life spoilers?)
No! I hate spoilers! I get so enraged when someone spoils a book (or movie for me). Special place in Hell for people who spoil books for others.

If you had to introduce any male fictional character to your family who would it be and why?
Daemon Black, my family is very supportive of my alien obsession.
Favorite color?
Most Over-hyped/Under-Hyped book?
Over hyped-We Were Liars by E Lockhart and Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Under hyped- Fractured Skies Series by Theresa Kay, Under Different Stars by Amy Bartol, and The Devil's Intern by Donna Hosie
Favorite Fandom show:
Teen Wolf or Mistfits
If your house was on fire and you could only save one book what would it be?
Tell me you didn't see this coming? UGLY LOVE! I would basically try to save any Colleen Hoover book.
Book store or online?
Online. Sadly, our stores don't have the best selection.
Favorite author:
Colleen Hoover, Christina Lauren, and Sarah J. Maas
Favorite Disney Princess:
I actually love this question. Mulan and Merida.
What was your dream job growing up?
I was a really interesting child. The first job I ever wanted was to be the Easter bunny. Then I wanted to be a taxi driver. Then I wanted to be a Nun for the longest time because of the movie Sister Act. Finally, and even up to this day, I want to be the person who writes the one-liners at the bottom of movie posters.
Favorite book as a child?
Harry Potter... I know it's really cliché but I don't care. I remember going to those amazing book fairs and buying so much Harry Potter.
Celebrity Crush?
Girl crush is Lily Collins and guy crush is Nick Bateman. (just saying his name gets me weak in the knees)
Natural Hair Color?

I have 10. Only one is book related. I have my dad's signature on my foot. A rose with my mother name on my knee. I have an hourglass on my thigh that says I will rise from the ashes in Latin. I have a bird on my other thigh. I have stars on my lower stomach. I have a treble clef tattoo on my arm. A compass rose on one arm. I have the word Ignite on my arm from T Mafi's Ignite. I have remember to live in Latin on my upper shoulder. And I have my whole back done with a Indian.
Who are you favorite fictional book boyfriends/girlfriend/and OTP?
Angela: My favorite fictional guy is still Warner. My favorite fictional lady crushes are Celaena, Cassie, and Ringer. My favorite OTP changes all the time but currently it's probably Celaena and Rowan. Oh and Ridge and Sydney from Maybe Someday will always be one.
Favorite fictional universe?
Wizarding World
Favorite book friendship?
Juliette and Kenji from Shatter Me
If you could only read one book the rest of your life what would it be?
Ugly Love or Maybe Someday... Basically anything CoHo
What book has altered your on life?
I have two. A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhot and It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.
Favorite TV show?
I have a lot. Here are some: Misfits, Friday Night Lights, Lost, Survivor, and Seinfeld.
Where do you work?
I work at a salon
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