Monday, February 23, 2015

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Lou Clark knows lots of things. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job and that might not be the only thing in her life that will be changing. Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world.

“You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.”

Going to start this review off by saying that if you don't want to have your heart torn from your chest and crushed into a tiny little pieces then don't pick up this book. I kept seeing people say "Now this is a book", and figured it was a lot of hype. NO, NO it wasn't just a lot of hype. If you follow me on goodreads than you know all this month I've only (well mainly only) been reading books suggested to me from friends on there. Me Before You was suggested to me at least ten times.

Me Before You is a story surrounding two main characters, Will Taynor and Lou Clark. Lou is just average. She is barely floating through life. Long time job, rocking a steady boyfriend, and just above average taste in clothes. Will Taynor was a successful business man. Constantly traveling, being active, and enjoying his above average life. This all changes when Lou is laid off work and Will is in a major accident leaving him a quadriplegic. After these events happen you'll more than likely be thinking the same thing I thought, "wow I know exactly where this cliche love story is going", and just like me you'll more than likely be wrong. 

Lou is struggling with what and who she wants to be. At 26 she really has no aim in life. She finds herself at a job center which offers her the chance to be a sort of caregiver to Will. Will is the definition of a broken human. After two years of having no control over his life he has just given up hope. After a shocking plot twist Lou makes it her goal to make Will happy and is determined to have him wanting to live life again. As they set out to travel and make the most of time their feelings for each other change and turn into something way beyond friendship. 

“All I can say is that you make make me into someone I couldn't even imagine. You make me happy, even when you're awful. I would rather be with you- even the you that you seem to think is diminished- than with anyone else in the world.” 

The plot of this story does start out slow. I was worried when I got over 150 pages in and the book was still that same pace. Once getting closer to the end I saw why it was that way. This story builds to something so amazing. I wish I could come up with a better, more lyrical word than "amazing", but I don't think they've invented a word yet to describe the end of this book. The twist, that I didn't see coming, in the middle set up this book to be something beyond comparison or even words. It was something I had heard about but never had the chance to read about. The middle and end of this book made the time I spent reading it so meaningful. The end of this book had me on the floor balling my eyes out. Not kidding... at one point I went to the bathroom to get a tissue and just sat on the floor and cried. 

Not only did Me Before You make me sob, it made me think. It had me thinking hours after putting it down. It has some amazing moral questioning factors thrown into this wonderful love story. It will make you wonder how far you would be willing to go to make the person you love happy. Once it got closer to the ending you'll see what's about to happen... You wont be shocked in what's about to happen, and it wills still manage to shatter you. I thought I wouldn't be happy with how she chose to end it, but the ending was perfect. I don't think it could have gone any other way. This is a book of the purest most selfless love. I don't know when the next time will be that I will get to read a love story quite like this. 

THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ OF MUST READS. One of the best novels ever recommended to me. Thank you. 

10/10 Stars

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