When I first stared reading Point of Retreat I didn't want to. I was too afraid that Colleen would do what she always does and have me sobbing like a baby. So I put it off for about two weeks, but at last I caved and picked it up.
"If I were a carpenter, I would build you a
window to my soul. But I would leave that window shut and locked, so
that every time you tried to look through it all you would see is your
own reflection. You would see that my soul is a reflection of you.”
When I started reading a few chapters in I went to Leah and said "I don't like Wills point of view, and I don't think I'm going to like this book as much as I loved Slammed"... I know y'all can't see me but right now I'm slapping myself in the face... I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!! Of course Colleen Hoover wouldn't let me down, she never has, and here's too hoping she never will.
I loved Point of Retreat maybe even as much as Slammed. Didn't think I would, but I did. After reading it it took me HOURS to get back to normal. This book hit me like a train going a million miles an hour and I was just as messy afterwards. Point of Retreat picks up shortly after were Slammed ended. When I read the synopsis I wont lie I was kind of turned off by the idea of "something from Will's past" coming back up... Because if you've read book one than you KNOW what it is. I thought the story was going to focus around that, that I would be annoyed hearing about it, and it was something I was far from interested in having this book circle around. I was pleasantly surprised when it didn't. Colleen's books always do that to me. They have me thinking that a story is going to go one way then out of nowhere it goes somewhere else. That aspect never lets me down. Will and Lake are as amazing as they are in book one. Both so stubborn, persistent, and will show you what love is suppose to be like. They are both still amazing role models, realistic, and more than that they are such strongly written characters. If you loved them in Slammed then you'll love them just as much in Point of Retreat. There are a few new characters introduced into this book as well which help take this story to a new level. Kristen and Sherry are amazing. Kristen almost stole the show. She is probably the funniest child I've ever had the pleasure of reading about. Her quirk, charm, and yes under-aged wisdom is priceless.
The pace of this book was amazing. The perfect mixture of slow paced beautiful moments and heart racing tear jerking scenes. Like I said above, this story had me thinking it was something it wasn't. I am again thankful that people have kept Colleen's plot twist secret. I know like a lot of other reviews of Colleen's I've done this will be more vague than others but this is a series you MUST pick up. It might be for just very personal reasons but this series has hit closer to home than any other book or series ever has. Point of Retreat had me crying harder than Slammed and I never thought that would be a possibility. This is a series that takes so many different unique aspects with a heavy hand in family beliefs and give you so much. By the end of this book I could barely see the pages. Point of Retreat was just so perfect. I was an emotion wreck.
I continue to hate Colleen Hoover for always perfectly breaking my heart one novel at a time.
10/10 my sweet stars
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