November Rain- Shannon A. Thompson
172 Hours on the Moon- Johan Harstad
Empire of Storms- Sarah J. Maas
Clearly, this is going to be a slack wrap-up. As you might have read in my previous wrap-up I've been in a bit of a reading slump. I just haven't been feeling it. I've been in more of a movie/podcast kind of mood. So that's all I've been doing. I do think that I have gotten to the bottom of my slump though. I think the reason I haven't been reading as much (besides working) is because I haven't had any books I've been super excited about. The only book I was dying to read this month was Empire of Storms, so when I got it I gobbled it up and then was back to not wanting to read again. I think October will remedy this because there are three or four books out that I'm so amped up to read and have already pre-ordered. Just can't believe that I went from reading like 3 books a week to reading 1 book a week. Feels like I'm letting people and myself down, but I have to remind myself that sometimes when you get in a slump you just have to ride it out. Forget that forcing it can sometimes make it worse. I'm only 3 books ahead on my reading goal for the years so I also need to get on it. Guess with that I'll get on to my favorites and fails.
Favorites: Empire of Storms and 172 Hours on the Moon. EOS is the 5th book in the Throne of Glass series, and I feel like I've been waiting forever for it. I needed to know what happened. I got this book the day it came out instead of preordering because I knew I wouldn't be able to wait! This book was a beast racking in over 700 pages, but it was so worth it. The first section of this book is slow, but it really builds up for an amazing EPIC out of control ending.... and now I'm waiting again-just dying- to get the 6th and finally book. God, that ending! I just can't. 172 Hours on the Moon was the book Sandra and I buddy read together, and just gonna brag for a second, we've been picking out amazing books! I tried to read 172 Hours before and ended up putting it on hold. I think a big release came out around the time I was reading it and then I set it down and never came back. Not sure why though, because the first time I read it I was really enjoying it. Well, picked it back up to read and it was such a good idea, because I had so much reading it. It was so spooky!!! I thought that it was just going to be creepy once they got to the moon, but nope it was creepy the whole time.
Fails: Zero. I don't have any. The other two books I read weren't fails. The Light Between Oceans movie might have blown, but the book was fine.
Currently reading: Wait by AL Jackson and Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse
October TBR: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo, Beautiful by Christina Lauren, The Long Walk by Stephen King, and Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler.
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