Sunday, August 23, 2015

Angela's Top Ten Book Boyfriends

Here I give you my top ten picks of my favorite fictional guys aka the hardest list I've ever had to make. Yall know we love any and everything to do with fictional book boyfriends. So we decided to comply a list of our favorites and then put them in order... Some people might have read that first sentence and thought I seemed a little nutty for saying this was difficult, but for true die hard book lovers you will completely understand why this task was so daunting.

10) Wren- A Wicked Saga 
9) Rowan Whitethorn- Throne of Glass Series 
8) Tamlin- A Court of Thorns and Roses 
7) Roth- The Dark Elements Trilogy 
6) Ridge- Maybe Some Day 
5) Noah Shaw- The Mara Dyer Trilogy 
4) Evan Walker- The 5th Wave Trilogy 
3) Daemon Black- The Lux Series 
2) Warner- The Shatter Me Trilogy 
1) Miles Archer- Ugly Love 

My list consist of a lot of Jennifer Armentrout, Sarah J. Maas, and Colleen Hoover men... what can I say those ladies sure know their guys. Complete shocker on who my number one was right?!?! Yeah, I'm just kidding. How could I not pick Miles Archer. Not only is Colleen Hoover one of my favorite authors, Ugly Love also happens to be my favorite book, so it's only fitting that it house my favorite man. All the fellas on this list have a lot of things in common. They're strong, supportive, witty, charming, and more. BUT none of them ever come close to giving me as characters what Miles Archer gave me, and that was shock. No character has ever surprised me quite like he has. He went from this mystery, handsome, non romantic too this super deep super touching character that I just didn't see coming. Yes Warner does come close, but Miles still manages to pull ahead because he also manages to be a very believable character. The moment you meet him you hate him. However, much like things go in the real world once you start getting a person's back-story you start to see them in a new light. The more we got into his story the more I started to fall for him. By the end of the book every heart string I had had been pulled because of his character. He goes from being just this pretty face (looks like he was sent down from the heavens might I add) to being someone you find yourself rooting for and heart breaking over. Though there might be other guys on this list I would have been completely fine with making Miles Archer my numbers 1-10. With 2016 slowly creeping up on us meaning the Ugly Love movie will be here before we know it! Which mean there will be a face to put the the Archer name... And I don't know if I've ever mention this but the face they've casted just happens to be my number one celebrity crush... So yeah basically once this movies over I can die happy.


Annnnnnnnd I just got pregnant! Whoosh... Ladies and gents I rest my case.

Since we had such a hard time narrowing everyone down I do wanna mention three that didn't quite crack the top ten and those are... Trey from The Kricket Series, Kaden from The Remnant Chronicles, and Ansel from Sweet Filthy Thing.

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