Sometimes all it takes is a killer opening line or paragraph to get you hooked on a book; and so we're giving you some of our favorites.
"All of us have our little problems and insecurities. I’m no different. Back in high school when I used to feel insecure about something, I would console myself with two thoughts: I’m pretty, and my parents love me. Between those two, I could survive anything. Since then I’ve come to understand how little the former matters, and how bitterly the latter can be tested. What’s left then? Nothing about our appearance or who loves or hates us. Nothing about our brainpower—which, like beauty, is an unearned gift of genetics—nor even anything about what we say. It’s our actions that define us. What we choose. What we resist. What we’re willing to die for." -Bloodfever by Karen Moning
“My father took one hundred and thirty-two minutes to die.” -Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

"The first few words of every story are always the hardest to write. It's almost as if pulling them out, putting If I tell you right up front, right in the beginning that I lost him, it will be easier for you to bear. You will know it’s coming, and it will hurt. But you’ll be able to prepare. And that's my gift to you. I wasn't given that same courtesy. I wasn't prepared." -The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon
them on paper, commits you to seeing it all through. As if once you start, you are required to finish. And how do you finish when some things never end? This is the story of love with no end... though it took me a while to get there.
“I hate my left hand. I hate to look at it. I hate it when it stutters and trembles and reminds me that my identity is gone. But I look at it anyway; because it also reminds me that I'm going to find the boy who took everything away from me. I'm going to kill the boy who killed me, and when I kill him, I'm going to do it with my left hand.” -The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
"I just punched a girl in the face. Not just any girl. My best friend. My roommate." -Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
"My name is not Mara Dyer but my lawyer told me I had to choose something. A pseudonym. A nom de plume, for all of us studying for the SATs. I know that having a fake name is strange, but trust me- it's the most normal thing about my life right now. Even telling you this much probably isn't smart. But without my big mouth no one would know that a seventeen year old who likes Death Cab for a Cutie was responsible for the murders. No one would know that somewhere out there is a B student with a body count. And it's important that you know, so you're not next." -The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
"Aliens are stupid" -The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey
“Sometimes I think that everyone has a tragedy waiting for them,
that the people buying milk in their pajamas or picking their noses at
stoplights could be only moments away from disaster. That everyone's
life, no matter how unremarkable, has a moment when it will become
extraordinary - a single encounter after which everything that really
matters will happen.” -The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider
"You stop fearing the devil when you’re holding his hand…" -Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
April Genevieve Tucholke
"The weight of their pity is like a stone tied about my neck."- Defiance by CJ Redwine
"This is how you get your ass kicked." -Fake ID by Lamar Giles
"I wake up. Immediately I have to figure out who I am. It’s not just the body–opening my eyes and discovering whether the skin on my arm is light or dark, whether my hair is long or short, whether I’m fat or thin, boy or girl, scarred or smooth. The body is the easiest thing to adjust to, if you’re used to waking up in a new one each morning. It’s the life, the context of the body, that can be hard to grasp." -Every Day by David Levithan
"I've been locked up for 264 days." -Shatter me by Tahereh Mafi

"This is how you get your ass kicked." -Fake ID by Lamar Giles
"I wake up. Immediately I have to figure out who I am. It’s not just the body–opening my eyes and discovering whether the skin on my arm is light or dark, whether my hair is long or short, whether I’m fat or thin, boy or girl, scarred or smooth. The body is the easiest thing to adjust to, if you’re used to waking up in a new one each morning. It’s the life, the context of the body, that can be hard to grasp." -Every Day by David Levithan
"I've been locked up for 264 days." -Shatter me by Tahereh Mafi
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